Monday 23 April 2012

Unit 5 - Digital Video concepts

Basic Digital Video Concepts

The following is a list of aspects of digital video that can be manipulated with standard video-editing software. It is important to be familiar with these terms so you can create video optimized for web delivery.
Movie length
It's a simple principle -- limiting the length of your video clip limits its file size. Videos longer than a minute or two may cause prohibitively long download times. If you must serve longer videos, consider one of the streaming video solutions.
Frame size
Obviously, the size of the frame has an impact on the size of the file. "Full-screen" video is 640 480 pixels. The amount of data required to deliver an image of that size would be prohibitive for most web applications. The most common frame size for web video is 160 120 pixels. Some producers go as small as 120 90 pixels. It is not recommended that you use a frame size larger than 320 240 with current technology. Actual size limits depend mostly on CPU power and bandwidth of the user's Internet link.
Frame rate
The frame rate is measured in number of frames per second (fps). Standard TV-quality video uses a frame rate of 30 frames per second to create the effect of smooth movement. For the Web, a frame rate of 15 or even 10 fps is more appropriate and still capable of producing fairly smooth video playback. For "talking head" and other low-motion subjects, even lower frame rates may be satisfactory. Commercial Internet broadcasts are routinely done as low as 0.5, 0.25, or even 0.05 frames per second (resulting in a slideshow effect rather than moving video).
Many video-editing applications allow you to set the overall quality of the video image. The degree to which the compression algorithms crunch and discard data is determined by the target quality setting. A setting of Low or Medium results in fairly high compression and is appropriate for web delivery. Frame rate and quality are often traded off in different degrees in relation to each other, depending on the application, to reduce bandwidth requirements.
Color bit depth
The size of the video is affected by the number of pixel colors in each frame. Reducing the number of colors from 24- to 8-bit color will drastically reduce the file size of your video, just as it does for still images. Of course, you also sacrifice image quality.
Data rate (bit rate)
This is the rate at which data must be transferred in order for the video to play smoothly without interruption. The data rate (also called "bit rate") for a movie is measured in kilobytes per second (K/sec or Kbps). It can be calculated by dividing the size of the file (in K) by the length of the movie (in seconds). So, for example, a highly compressed movie that is 1900K (1.9 MB) and 40 seconds long has a data rate of 47.5K/sec.
For streaming media in particular, a file's data rate is more important than its total size. This is due to the fact that the total bandwidth available for delivery may be severely limited, particularly over a dial-up connection. For example, even an ISDN line at 128 Kbps offers a capacity to deliver only 16K of data per second. 



Digital video wouldn't be possible without methods for compressing the vast amounts of data necessary to describe sound and frame images. Video files can be compressed in a number of ways. This section looks at a variety of compression schemes and introduces the methods they use for achieving compression rates. Understanding your options can help you make better decisions for optimizing your video files.

25.2.3. Video Codecs

There are a number of codecs (compression/decompression algorithms) that can be used to compress video files for the Web. Many of these codecs can be applied to several different file formats (discussed in the next section of this chapter).
Video-editing software packages often offer a long list of codecs in their compressor list options. Here we focus on just those that are relevant to video intended for web delivery. 


Video File Formats

As with audio, in the early days of the Web, adding video to a web page meant using one of the currently available video formats (such as QuickTime or AVI) and linking it to a page for download. The evolution of streaming media has changed that, and now adding video content like movie trailers, news broadcasts, even live programming to a web site is much more practical and widespread.
This section looks at the video formats that are most common for web delivery.

25.3.1. QuickTime Movie (.mov)

QuickTime is a highly versatile and well-supported media format. While originally developed as a video format, it has evolved into a container format capable of storing all sorts of media (still images, audio, video, Flash, and SMIL presentations). For the complete list of file formats supported by QuickTime, see
QuickTime, a system extension that makes it possible to view audio/video information on a computer, was introduced by Apple Computer in 1991. Although developed for the Macintosh, it is also supported on PCs via QuickTime for Windows. QuickTime has grown to be the industry standard for multimedia development, and most hardware and software offer QuickTime support. Both Netscape Navigator 3.0+ and Internet Explorer 3.0+ come with QuickTime plug-in players, so the majority of web readers are able to view QuickTime movies right in the browser. Creating QuickTime movies

You can take care of rudimentary video editing, such as deleting and rearranging, right in Apple's free QuickTime Player. The QuickTime Pro version ($29.95) offers more features and is sufficient for most basic tasks. For advanced video editing, use a professional video editing tool such as Adobe Premier or AfterEffects (most video editors support QuickTime). You may also use a file converter, such as Cleaner from Terran Interactive ( to convert existing files to QuickTime format.
Other video editing applications for the Mac include iMovie (which ships free on newer Macintoshes) and Final Cut Pro, a more professional video editing program.
An important step to remember when saving a movie is to make it self-contained. This process resolves all data references and prepares the file to go out on the Internet on its own. You will also be asked to pick a codec (QuickTime supports several). Cinepak is a good general purpose codec; Sorenson is more efficient but not as well supported.

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