Wednesday 10 April 2019

Make your own podcast!

Here you are... my first published podcast.

Today we where talking about podcasts, iVoox, and sound files and formats.

I recorded my favourite poem ever. Mixed it with some free music. And exported it as a .mp3.

Last but not least, I uploaded to my iVoox acount. Follow me in your iVoox app!!

Sunday 7 April 2019

Whatsapp or not whatsapp... that is the question

Have you ever thought about a better alterantive to Whatsapp??

Have you considered if it is good in security and privicy terms? Or even if you have a better alternative for a big group?

Have a read!!

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Gmail is 15 years old now!

Gmail was created by Google on 1-4-2004, so is just 15 years old. Just now Google has added a great improvement: you can shedule your mail!!

A very interesting article you cannot miss.