Friday 19 February 2016

Flipping... to better learning!

Vos resulta familiar?.

A les classes d'informàtica dediquem el temps a compartir coneixement i dubtes, a reflexionar, a buscar informació, a practicar i crear nous continguts... millor fer en casa la lectura (o visualització de videos) individual i l'estudi.

A esta manera diferent a la tradicional (professor exposa, alumnes escolten, pràctica a casa) li diuen ara Flipped Classroom. Anem a flippar!!

Tuesday 2 February 2016


 You know... "A picture is worth a thousand words". Maybe not in any situation, but we like to learn and teach wirh pictures!. An Infography is a good tool!. Just google "infograpy" in your browser and go to pictures...

 Some examples:

We can create an infography in Gimp, Drive Draws...and also in a web 2.0, as or Picktochart.

Sign up in and make an infograpy about digital image. Follow the link and use the template.

Sent to teacher by email, as a .pdf and as an image, in a week time!.