Tuesday 18 October 2016

Punctuation Marks

In Computer Science we will need several punctuation marks... not only for writing, but for some technical names or instructions.

 Also some especial simbols:

Punctuation marks are important...aren't they??

Wednesday 21 September 2016

How to publish a Drive Presentation in a Post

Helo!... From now on you will be able to do as I do, insert a presentation in the blog and explain to your audience!

Monday 12 September 2016

Hello everybody!,

Here we are in the class again. This year we are not only 4ICT but also 3ICT. Welcome!.

Get into your group list and sign in:




Your lessons are in the right pane... let's go!.

Friday 19 February 2016

Flipping... to better learning!

Vos resulta familiar?.

A les classes d'informàtica dediquem el temps a compartir coneixement i dubtes, a reflexionar, a buscar informació, a practicar i crear nous continguts... millor fer en casa la lectura (o visualització de videos) individual i l'estudi.

A esta manera diferent a la tradicional (professor exposa, alumnes escolten, pràctica a casa) li diuen ara Flipped Classroom. Anem a flippar!!

Tuesday 2 February 2016


 You know... "A picture is worth a thousand words". Maybe not in any situation, but we like to learn and teach wirh pictures!. An Infography is a good tool!. Just google "infograpy" in your browser and go to pictures...

 Some examples:

We can create an infography in Gimp, Drive Draws...and also in a web 2.0, as easel.ly or Picktochart.

Sign up in easel.ly and make an infograpy about digital image. Follow the link and use the template.


Sent to teacher by email, as a .pdf and as an image, in a week time!.

Friday 29 January 2016

Yes, we use Drive

Since we started this course we are working intensively with Google Tools, as Gmail, Drive, Calendar, Blogger... Do you recongnize the use of Drive?