Monday 14 December 2015

The hour of Code!

La setmana del 7 a l'11 de desembre es celebra a tot el mon un event de programació per a estudiants de totes les edats. La programació fomenta la creativitat, la resolució de problemes i prepara per a qualsevol carrera futura.

El nostre IES ha participat com podeu veure al mapa, a les classes d'Informàtica. Podeu trobar-nos ací També el video de la nostra participació.

També durant la Setmana Científica, el Dept. d'Informàtica va oferir a tots els alumnes uns tallers de programació, durant l'hora del pati.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Hi everybody!!

Here you are the video we've recorded for our eTwinning project!. Hope you like it!!.

Just for you to have a look... I will retire in two days.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

I Week STEM - Computer Science Exhibition

Somos los alumnos y alumnas de TIC I, en 1º Bachillerato, del IES JM Parra de Alzira.

Este blog forma parte del trabajo dentro de la Unidad 1: La sociedad de la Información.

Lo hemos expuesto en el hall del Centro, como parte de la I Semana de la Ciencia, la Tecnologia, la Ingenieria y las Matemáticas (STEM).

 Cada entrada del blog se corresponde con un cartel que expondremos en el hall del Instituto.

En cada cartel hay un código QR que lleva a la entrada correspondiente del blog. Así podemos visitar la exposición y ampliar información con el móvil.

Para terminar, también se puede realizar un cuestionario con el móvil, y una explicación de las respuestas.

 Te atreves??

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Program vs. Programme

Nowadays its becoming very important to learn how to make a program. Programming is good to develope several skills... so it's good to learn it at school. But... do we make a program or a programme???



The Noun: Program or Programme?

The basic difference is between different languages:
  • American English always uses program
  • British English uses programme unless referring to computers
  • Australian English recommends program for official usage, but programme is still in common use.
The word “program” was predominant in the UK until the 19th century, when the spelling “programme” became more common — largely as a result of influence from French, which has the same word “programme”.
So, if you’re writing in British English (either as part of an examination, if you’re studying English, or for a British publication), here’s some examples of how to use programme and program correctly:
  • We’re still drawing up the programme for the concert.
  • This computer program won’t run on my PC.
  • I missed my favourite television programme last night.

The Verb: To Program, Programmed, Programming

The word program is also a verb, as in “I’ll program the computer today.” In this case, both American and British English use “to program”.
These forms are also valid in American English:
  • programed
  • programing
But the Oxford English Dictionary recommends the double-m instead, which is in far more widespread usage:
  • programmed
  • programming
If in doubt, and writing for a publication, check whether or not they have a style guide or a rule on which form of the verb to use. When you’re writing for yourself, just make sure you’re consistent.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Welcome to the 2015-2016 course!

Hello everybody!,

Here we are in the class again. This year we are not only 4ICT but also 3ICT. Welcome!.

Get into your group list and sign in:

Your lessons are in the right pane... let's go!.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Video final project


We've just been working on video edition. I show here some of your works. I got lots of fun!. See you!.

Monday 27 April 2015

Resolution: for screen or for printing?

Remember: before you create a file think a bit if you will print it or not... and choose the proper resolution.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Be my Warhol!

You're doing a good job!.

It's plenty of layers, modes, filters... and a lot of art!

Esta és l'obra original